Cross-selling in a quotation?
A salesman gets more out of a client than they came for. You probably know a salesman like that yourself. Someone who sold a client a complete telephony solution instead of the headset they came for. You probably know other stories of people who bought more than they came in for. Maybe you've been to a Mediamarkt and bought a new TV and left with a TV and a home cinema set. Or you went to a clothes shop for a new coat and walked out with a complete wardrobe.
Selling more than someone initially wanted to buy is called cross-selling. This selling technique also works very well in B2B markets. The most important thing in cross-selling is empathy with your customer. They always have a higher goal with a purchase. The trick is to know that higher goal. If you know that, then in your quotation for a certain product or service you can offer other products and services that will help your customer reach their goal faster or better. Or perhaps you have a proposal that will help a customer set higher goals. With Offery, you can make your quotations more convincing and dress them up with other products and services.
Know your potential customer and make it easy for them
Knowing what your customer needs is the key to cross-selling. But how do you find out, and how do you get more orders out of a quotation request? Not by handling aquotationrequest on autopilot. Not by a factual summary of the products and their prices. Nor by general praise of your company.
Invest in research and conversations. Ask what drives your potential customer. What they want to achieve and what they need in order to do so. Of course, this depends on the situation and on the people themselves. Let's assume for a moment that you can send a quotation to a potential or relatively new customer on the basis of a concrete quotation request. For example, for new screens in a meeting room. If you think too quickly that they only want to replace outdated screens, you may miss an opportunity. What if you haven't asked them, and your customer turns out to want to hold a video conference in the future? Or they have business units that are looking for a video solution. And you have complete video conferencing solutions, cameras and microphones in your range.
If you do not know what his higher goals are, you will miss out on sales opportunities. In the worst case, you will miss the entire order because your competitor has studied the company better. Try to know the organisation and its goals, ambitions and people as well as possible. Empathise with them, look beyond the request for quotation and adjust your quotation accordingly. Take the readers with you in your view of a company's needs. Entice them with the advantages of your solution and offer them options. Chances are that readers of your quotation will think: this company understands us!
Cross-selling in an Offery quotation
Offery is not only suitable for producing convincing quotations that also stand out. With Offery, you have an effective cross-selling platform at your disposal. You can build a quotation in Offery using handy Building Blocks. You simply drag and drop the Building Blocks into the quotation. For example, you can include interesting products and services for that specific company in the Building Blocks. You can also add videos, infographics and animations. You send the quotation as a quotation link in an e-mail to your potential customer. They will open the quotation in their web browser. See example quotation!
Let's go back to the example of requesting a quotation for screens in a meeting room. You have found out that the company uses a meeting room for video conferencing, but this system is not optimal. You also see opportunities for the company to use video conferencing to save costs and create a better meeting experience. Sales people no longer need to travel abroad by plane so often. Their customers experience that they and their colleagues can be reached just as well and often faster. Because your conferencing solutions give participants the feeling that they are in the same room.
In Offery, you obviously post the proposal for the replacement screens. But you add your vision for the future of video conferencing in the company. You have even made a business case in which you show what the benefits of video conferencing are. Of course, in Offery you add a product film, in which the viewer experiences an engaging infomercial about video conferencing in two minutes. Then you can send the offer link in an e-mail to your prospect.
Two weeks later: with Offery you have not only impressed and won the contract for the screens. But your new customer has also asked you to develop a proposal for video conferencing.
Try Offery
Would you like to be able to make convincing, surprising and distinctive quotations from now on? And would you like to be able to make effective use of cross-selling techniques? Then request a trial subscription to Offery now. Would you also like advice on how to apply cross-selling in Offery quotations? Call us for advice on how to get the most out of Offery.